18th Infantry Regiment Association



Membership in the 18th Infantry Regiment Association is open to ALL who have served with the 18th Infantry or any of its battalions, in peace or in war, their spouses or those who were married to a Regiment member now deceased.

Associate memberships are now available for those family members or others who have a connection to the 18th Infantry or support the association's goals and objectives.

If you served in the 18th Infantry and you are not a member of the Association, please join now. Send your name, address, phone, and dates of service in the 18th Infantry, along with your dues check, to:

Larry Van Kuran
18th Infantry Membership Secretary
6378 Jamieson Ave
Encino, CA 91316
Phone: 818-427-1577
Email: vankuran@ix.netcom. com

Dues are Thirty-dollars ($30) for a 2-year membership (average $15/yr).

If you are a member, encourage others you know who served in the 18th Infantry to join up also. Send their names and addresses to:
Larry Van Kuran
Membership Secretar
6378 Jamieson Ave
Encino, CA 91316
Phone: 818-427-1577
Email: vankuran@ix.netcom. com

Elected at the 2009 Annual Meeting, for two year terms (2009-2011)

Larry Van Kuran
6378 Jameison Ave
Encino CA 90815
Phone: 818-427-1577
e-mail: vankuran@ix.netcom .com
Executive Director:
Larry F. Paul
827 Upton Road
Fremont, Ohio 43428
Ph: 419-332-5782
e-mail: LFP18INF@aol .com
Vice-President Membership:
Richard "Jake" Jacobs
2605 Ridgewood
Harrisonville, MO 64701
Ph: 816-380-6872
e-mail: jakeandjake2001@hotmail .com
Robert E. Callahan
36 Fir Road
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Ph: 609-607-1377
e-mail: cal4416@aol .com

Membership Secretary:
Larry Van Kuran
6378 Jamieson Ave
Encino CA 91316
Phone: 818-427-1577
e-mail: vankuran@ix.netcom .com
Jim Stone
258 Pells Rd
Rhinebeck NY 12572
Ph: 845-876-7676
e-mail: james.stone@frontiernet .net

Honorary Colonel & Honorary Sergeant Major
Appointed under authority of AR 600-82
for three year terms (2009-2012)
Honorary Colonel: Honorary Sergeant Major:
COL E.W.(Bill) Chamberlain,III USA/Ret
19618 Woodland Manor Pl.
Lutz, FL 33549
phone: 813-949-9130
e-mail: billcham118@aol .com
CSM Dwight E. Hood USA/Ret
Box 485
Amory, MS 38821-0485
phone: 662-256-7894

Active Duty LTC and CSM

LTC John Cross
1-18 INF
Ft Riley KS
CSM Mike Evans
1-18 INF
Ft Riley KS
 Staff Duty Phone: (Civilian) 785-239-4280 (Ft Riley 1-18)
LTC Matt Eichberg
2-18 INF
Baumholder, Germany
2-18 INF
Baumholder, Germany




    1. This Association shall be known as the 18th Infantry Regiment Association, hereafter referred to as the Association. It is established under the provisions of Army Regulation 210-1 as an independent private organization. It is not an instrument f the United States Army.
    2. The primary objectives and purposes of the Association shall be:
      1. to promote morale and high esprit de corps among past, present, and future members of the 18th Infantry Regiment
      2. to perpetuate the history and traditions of the Regiment
      3. to provide a mechanism where former members can maintain contact with each other and with the active unit(s) of the Regiment.


    1. Membership in the 18th Infantry Regiment Association is open to ALL who have served with the 18th Infantry or any of its battalions, in peace or in war, their spouses or those who were married to a member of the Regiment now deceased.
    2. Associate Membership and Friends of the Regiment are available for those family members or others who have a connection to the 18th Infantry or support the association's goals and objectives.
    3. Membership in the Association is subject to approval by the Association Council. Final authority with regards to membership eligibility rests with the Association Council.
    4. The Association shall hold an annual meeting of the membership in each calendar year. The time and place of the annual meeting shall be fixed by the Association Council and the membership shall be notified by mail at least 30 days prior to the meeting. .
    5. Special meetings of the Association membership may be called by the President, who shall fix the time and place and shall notify the membership at least 30 days prior to such meetings.
    6. At any Association membership meeting a simple majority of the attending members shall constitute a quorum.


    1. The Association Council shall act as the governing body of the Association inbetween Annual Meetings of the Association membership. The Council shall have full authority to manage the affairs of the Association pursuant to the Constitution and By laws, and shall have control of all matters not otherwise specified, except that no funds shall be expended by the Association Council for any purpose not clearly in line with the objectives of the Association. The Association Council may authorize such ommittees as they deem necessary to carry out the functions of the Association and may delegate such powers as they deem necessary to conduct business in accordance with the objectives and purposes of the Association.
    2. The Association Council shall consist of: Honorary Colonel, Honorary Sergeant Major, Commander of the active battalion(s), Command Sergeant Major of the active battalion(s), President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Executive Director o the Association.
    3. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
    4. The Association shall have an Executive Director.


    1. PRESIDENT: The President shall be elected by the membership and serve a term of two-years, or until his successor has been duly elected. The Honorary Colonel of the Regiment may be elected President of the Association. It shall be the duty f the President to oversee the operations of the Association and the functions of the Association Council, as necessary, for the conduct of affairs within the Association. The President shall fill vacancies in elected offices by appointment until the nex annual meeting of the membership.
    2. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall be elected by the membership and serve a term of two-years, or until his successor has been duly elected. In the absence of a President, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act, the Vice-Preside t shall perform the duties of the President.
    3. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be elected by the membership and serve a term of two-years, or until his successor has been duly elected. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, the historical file of the Association.
    4. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be elected by the membership and serve a term of two-years, or until his successor has been duly elected. The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, the financial records of the Association and shall provide the Se retary with copies of the documents required for the historical file. The Treasurer will be responsible to see that required audits of financial records are timely and properly executed, and will provide the Association Council with requested financial d cuments and reports necessary for conduct of the business of the Association.
    5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The Executive Director shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval of the Association Council. The Executive Director shall carry out such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Association Council. The Ex cutive Director shall preside at Association and Council meetings, and shall vote only to break a tie. The Executive Director shall appoint and supervise such ad hoc committees, determined by the Association Council, as may from time to time be necessary to conduct activities and events of the Association. The Executive Director may be authorized by the Association Council to enter into contracts, accept funds and make disbursements on behalf of the Association.
    6. HONORARY COLONEL AND HONORARY SERGEANT MAJOR: The Honorary Colonel and Honorary Sergeant Major shall be appointed and shall perform duties in accordance with AR 600-82, and shall, by virtue of their appointment, be eligible to sit upon the Assoc ation Council.
    7. COMMANDER AND COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE ACTIVE BATTALION(S): The Commander and Command Sergeant Major of the active battalion(s) shall, by virtue of their military command, be eligible to sit upon the Association Council.


    1. The Association shall be financed by membership fees levied on all members, and by fund raising activities and events. The Association Council shall determine an appropriate dues structure.
    2. Should any member voluntarily resign his membership or default in the payment of dues, he shall forfeit all privileges of membership and no refund of dues will be paid.
    3. When approved by the Association Council, social activities hosted by the Association will be financed by charging each attending member a pro rata share of any cost not covered by Association funds.


    1. The activities of the Association shall be professional and social in nature, and will be determined by the membership, subject to the approval of the Association Council. Activities may be planned to include spouses and guests, and may, at the d scretion of the Association Council, be subsidized by the Association.
    2. The Association shall publish a news letter and mail it to all members. The content and frequency shall be determined by the Association Council.


    1. The Association is a private, non-profit organization. In order to fulfill it's objectives and purposes it must exist and operate on United States Military installations. Such operation is only possible with the consent of the installation comma der. The Association will seek such consent and will comply with requirements and conditions of pertinent regulations.
    2. The Association, in order to achieve it's objectives and purposes, will seek to raise funds for operation, to purchase property/supplies, and sponsor military and social events. Licensing, certification, or registration with State and local public ag ncies may be required to engage in fund raising activities. These fund raising activities will be conducted in accordance with State and local laws and regulations, as well as any Army Regulations and/or installation requirements that may apply.
    3. The Association will maintain a historical file consisting of the following records:
      1. Constitution and By-laws of the 18th Infantry Regiment Association, and minutes of Association meetings.
      2. Record of approval(s) of the Constitution and By-laws, with amendments and revisions, if applicable.
      3. Roster of current members.
      4. Financial records, including current bank statement(s), cancelled checks, and receipts.
    4. The Association fund will be audited tri-annually, or with changes in Honorary Colonel of the Regiment or Executive Director.
    5. The Association may be dissolved at any time by a majority vote of its members. In the event the Association shall be dissolved, each member of the Association shall be responsible for the immediate payment of his pro rata share of the Association's iabilities. The disposition of assets, if any at the time of dissolution, shall be determined by the membership, subject to the approval of the Honorary Colonel. In the event there is no membership in the Association at the time of dissolution, any rema ning funds shall be donated to the Association of the United States Army.


    1. This Constitution has been adopted/approved by the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment and the Association Council. It replaces the Constitution dated 11 June 1993.
    2. This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, either by majority vote of a quorum at a meeting of the membership or by majority vote of members responding to a general mail ballot.



    1. Annual dues (active duty only): \$3.00/year.
    2. Bi-Annual Dues (all others): \$30.00 (this is $15.00/year over 2 years).
    3. The Association Council may, by resolution, accept an honorary member or fix an amount of donation which would qualify an individual, group or corporation as a sponsor of 18th Infantry Regiment Association activities or events.


    1. The Association Council shall authorize the publication and mailing of a quarterly new letter. The President, with approval of the Association Council, will appoint a news letter editor to carry out this function.


    1. These Bylaws have been adopted/approved by the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment and the Association Council. They replace the Bylaws dated 11 June 1993.
    2. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Association Council.

Instructions for HCOR Program




The Pentagon Library web site is http://www.hqda.army.mil/library/


Click on "Reference sources"

Click on "forms and publications"

Click on "Army Regulations"

Click on "600 ser"


You will find AR 600‑82 about 3/4 of the way down the page.


AR 600‑82, Chapter 5


3.A Special appointees.

a. Special appointees. The Honorary Colonels, Honorary Warrant Officers, Honorary Sergeants Major, and Distinguished Members of the Regiment or Corps provide a link with history for today's soldiers. The primary mission of these special appointees is to perpetuate the history and traditions of the regiment or corps, thereby enhancing unit morale and esprit. The Honorary Member of the Regiment position is designed to recognize nonregimental or corps members for their service to the regiment or corps.

(1) Honorary Colonel of the Regiment or Corps (HCOR or HCOC).

(a) The HCOR or HCOC is a distinguished retired commissioned officer in the rank of colonel or above, with former service in a unit of the regiment or corps. The appointment will be for 3 years. A second 3‑year tour may be granted by the appointing authority. Each tour may be terminated earlier by either the appointing authority or incumbent following 30 days advance notice.

(b) Each regiment or corps will have an HCOR or HCOC, but only one HCOR or HCOC will serve in the regiment or corps at any given time. Additionally, no one officer can serve as HCOR or HCOC for more than one regiment or corps simultaneously. The HCOR or HCOC oversees other honorary position programs and their maintenance. The HCOR or HCOC may also act as a liaison between his or her regiment or corps and a regimental or corps association (private organization) if one exists.

(c) The duties of a HCOR or HCOC are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental or corps functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged.

(d) The position offers to the regiment or corps the prestige, stature, and experience of the officer appointed as HCOR or HCOC. The HCOR or HCOC assists in fostering regimental or corps esprit, traditions, and perpetuation of the history of the regiment or corps.

(e) HCOR or HCOC appointees will be appointed as Distinguished Members of the regiment or corps simultaneously with their appointment as HCOR or HCOC.

(2) Honorary Warrant Officer of the Regiment or Corps (HWOOR or HWOOC).

(a) The HWOOR or HWOOC is a distinguished retired warrant officer with prior service in a unit of the regiment or corps. The appointment will be for 3 years. A second 3‑year tour may be granted by the appointing authority. Each tour may be terminated earlier by either the appointing authority or incumbent following 30 days advance notice.

(b) Where applicable, each regiment or corps will have an HWOOR or HWOOC, but only one HWOOR or HWOOC can serve in the regiment or corps at any given time. Additionally, no one warrant officer can serve for more than one regiment or corps simultaneously.

(c) The duties of a HWOOR or HWOOC within the regiment or corps are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental or corps functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged.

(d) The position offers to the regiment or corps the prestige, stature, and experience of the officer appointed as HWOOR or HWOOC. The HWOOR or HWOOC assists the HCOR or HCOC in perpetuating the history of the regiment or corps.

(e) HWOOR or HWOOC appointees will be appointed as Distinguished Members of the Regiment or Corps simultaneously with their appointment as HWOOR or HWOOC.

(3) Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment or Corps (HSGMOR or HSGMOC).

(a) The HSGMOR or HSGMOC is a distinguished retired NCO in the rank of sergeant first class (SFC) or above with prior service in a unit of the regiment or corps. The appointment will be for 3 years. A second 3‑year tour may be granted by the appointing authority. Each tour may be terminated earlier by either the appointing authority or incumbent following 30 days advance notice.

(b) Where applicable, each regiment or corps will have an HSGMOR or HSGMOC, but only one will serve in the regiment or corps at any given time. No one HSGMOR or HSGMOC can serve for more than one regiment or corps simultaneously.

(c) The duties of the HSGMOR or HSGMOC within the regiment or corps are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental or corps functions is by invitation, and participation is encouraged.

(d) The position offers to the regiment or corps the prestige, stature, and experience of the noncommissioned officer appointed as HSGMOR or HSGMOC. The HSGMOR or HSGMOC will assist the HCOR or HCOC in perpetuating the history of the regiment or corps.

(e) HSGMOR or HSGMOC appointees will be appointed as Distinguished Members of the Regiment or Corps simultaneously with their appointment as HSGMOR or HSGMOC.

(4) Distinguished Members of the Regiment and Corps (DMOR or DMOC).

(a) DMOR or DMOC are individuals of the same distinguished stature as the HCOR or HCOC, HWOOR or HWOOC, and HSGMOR or HSGMOC, but may include Active Army, USAR, retired officers, warrant officers, enlisted soldiers, and civilians.

(b) An example of a DMOR or DMOC would be a prior enlisted soldier of the regiment or corps recognized for his or her accomplishments, or a distinguished member of the civilian community with former service in the regiment or corps. All DMOR or DMOC must have served in the regiment or corps.

(c) DMOR or DMOC are appointed to supplement and assist the efforts of the HCOR or HCOC, HWOOR or HWOOC, and HSGMOR or HSGMOC. Their tenure is indefinite. Unlike the solitary appointment of other honorary positions, there are no limitations on the number of personnel who may be appointed as DMOR or DMOC.

(d) The duties of DMOR or DMOC are ceremonial and do not conflict with those of the chain of command. Attendance at regimental or corps functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged.

(e) The position offers the prestige, stature, and experience of the individual appointed as DMOR or DMOC.

(f) Posthumous awards of the DMOR or DMOC are permissible and are at the discretion of the regiment or corps.

(5) Honorary Members of the Regiment or Corps (HMOR or HMOC).

(a) HMOR or HMOC are soldiers, their spouses, and individuals who have made a contribution or provided a service to a regiment or corps, but who are not members of the regiment or corps making the presentation. Recognition of Active Army, USAR, or retired soldiers and civilians is appropriate.

(b) HMOR or HMOC are appointed for an indefinite period of time in recognition of their contributions and service to the regiment or corps. There are no limitations on the number of personnel who may be appointed as HMOR or HMOC.

(c) There are no duties associated with the HMOR or HMOC appointments. Their attendance at regimental or corps functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged.


3.B Nomination, selection, and appointment to honorary or distinguished positions.

b. Nomination, selection, and appointment to honorary or distinguished positions.

(1) The responsibility of consolidating nominations of individuals for the HCOR or HCOC, HWOOR or HWOOC, HSGMOR or HSGMOC, DMOR or DMOC, and HMOR or HMOC, rests with the Active Army commander charged with the regimental responsibilities. Nominations will be forwarded through the homebase installation commander to the branch chief or Chief of Corps as appropriate.

(2) The ultimate decision for selection and responsibility for appointment of an individual to serve as an HCOR or HCOC, HWOOR or HWOOC, HSGMOR or HSGMOC, DMOR or DMOC, and HMOR or HMOC rests with the combat arms branch chief or the chief of the corps.

(3) Nominations may be solicited from several sources (regimental associations, Active Army commanders, incumbent Honorary Colonels or Sergeants Major, Distinguished Members of the Regiment, and others).

(4) The chief of the corps will provide signed appointment certificates which will provide visibility and allow tracking of the Honorary Colonels or Sergeants Major and Warrant Officers.

(5) The following certificates are currently available and may be requisitioned through normal publications supply channels from the U.S. Army Publications Distribution Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21220‑2896:


.3.C Honorary or distinguished position activities.

c. Honorary or distinguished position activities. The activities of HCOR or HCOC, HWOOR or HWOOC, HSGMOR or HSGMOC, HMOR or HMOC, and DMOR or DMOC are designed to promote and enhance the history and traditions of the regiment or corps, promote the war fighting ethos among soldiers, and create cohesion among members of the regiment or corps. Examples of activities are as follows:

(1) Attending command ceremonies.

(2) Participating in award ceremonies.

(3) Speaking on regimental or corps history and traditions at dinings‑in, or other similar functions.

(4) Maintaining contact between CONUS and OCONUS battalions or elements of the regiment.

(5) Assisting in historical professional development programs for officers and NCOs.

page updated 4/01/2015